As United Methodists, we believe giving and serving are both expressions of our faith and acts of thanksgiving. They are an integral part of our commitment to participate in the ministries of the church by our prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness.
As we continue to build and revitalize the programming and ministries of First UMC Frisco, your gifts and your service are both incredibly important to continue that momentum. With your help, First UMC Frisco will continue to bloom and grow as we travel this new road together.
For where your heart is, there your treasure will be also.
Matthew 6:21
We have partnered with Christ United Methodist Church to allow us to accept your contributions.
There are two ways to contribute:
(1) Write a check:
** Please make all checks payable to Christ UMC, and write "First UMC Frisco" in the memo line. **
Drop your check in the collection plate during worship.
Mail your check to Christ UMC:
First United Methodist Church of Frisco
c/o Christ United Methodist Church
3101 Coit Rd
Plano, TX 75075
(2) Give online (Updated 02/21/2024):
Click the link below to complete the FUMC Frisco Donation Information form. This form allows us to maintain records of online giving for the congregation and in our financial collaboration with Christ UMC. Once you submit the form, the confirmation page will contain a link to Christ UMC's donation page.
Please follow that link to complete your donation.
This link allows you to donate through CUMC directly into FUMC Frisco's account, without adding any additional information.
Thank you for your generosity!
Looking for ways to get involved in the life of the Church?
We Need You!
Volunteers are needed in the following areas:
A/V Booth (Sound, video, lighting)
Worship setup team (chairs, stage, hymnals)
Donuts and Coffee setup
Music (vocal)
Childcare / Nursery Team (Ministry Safe Required)
Usher teams / Communion Servers
Greeters / Welcome team
Music (instrumental)